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Software Diversity and Inclusion

Software Developer Diversity and Inclusion (SDDI) Workshop

Location: Google, San Francisco

June 4-6, 2019

Sponsored by Google, USA


Emerson Murphy-Hill, Google

Margaret-Anne Storey, University of Victoria

This workshop was organized to raise awareness about developer diversity and inclusion challenges faced by industry today. Our intent was to understand these challenges more clearly, to brainstorm concrete goals to address them, and to gather recommendations and best practices to share with practitioners. We also aimed to build a community of researchers and practitioners that share a passion to improve software developer diversity and inclusion. The workshop had a mix of invited keynote presentations and facilitator led discussions. Below, you may find details on the schedule with links to the keynotes, links for lightning talks and a list of the workshop attendees. Stay tuned for more details of the workshop outcomes!

Image description


Date Time Topic/Link Speaker/Leader
Tuesday June 4th 9:00-10:00 Minding the Gaps: Diversity and Inclusion Kate Stewart, The Linux Foundation
  10:00-12:00 Scoping the research area/Breakouts Margaret Storey
  13:00-14:00 Identifying Challenges Faced by Neurodiverse Software Engineers: Ensuring an Inclusive Technical Workforce Andrew Begel, Microsoft
  14:00-16:00 Breakouts Andy Begel, Microsoft
  16:00-17:00 Organizer Intros + Lightning Talks (see links below)  
Wednesday, June 5th 9:00-10:00 Identifying Developers’ Gender: State of the Art recording Alexander Serebrenik, Eindhoven University of Technology
  10:00-12:00 Breakouts Anna Filipova, GitHub
  13:00-14:00 Improving Programming Environment Accessibility for Visually Impaired Developers recording Venkatesh Potluri, University of Washington
  14:00-16:00 Breakouts Emerson Murphy=Hill
  16:00-17:00 Gender-Inclusivity Software Engineering recording Anita Sarma and Margaret Burnett, Oregon State University
Thursday, June 6th 9:00-10:00 Leveraging Signals to Build More Sustainable Open Source Communities Bogdan Vasilescu, Carnegie Mellon University
  10:00-12:00 Breakouts  
  13:00-14:00 Diversity in Computer Science Through Design & Craft: & Atari Women Pernille Bjørn, University of Copenhagen
  14:00-16:00 Breakouts  
  16:00-17:00 Closing and next steps  

Lightning talks

Ayushi Rastogi

Amiangshu Bosu

Jo Atlee

Kelly Blincoe

Vanja Tufvesson

Laura Dabbish

Vladimir Filkov

Valeria Borsotti


Name Affiliation
Jo Atlee University of Waterloo, Canada
Alberto Bacchelli University of Zurich, Switzerland
Andrew Begel Microsoft, USA
Pernille Bjørn University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Kelly Blincoe University of Auckland, New Zealand
Valeria Borsotti IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Amiangshu Bosu Wayne State University, USA
Margaret Burnett Oregon State, USA
Laura Dabbish Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Prem Devanbu UC Davis, USA
Jill Dicker Google, USA
Anna Filipova GitHub, USA
Vladimir Filkov UC Davis, USA
Thomas Fritz University of Zurich, Switzerland
Daniel German University of Victoria, Canada
Amber Horvath Google, USA
Liz Kammer Google, USA
Alice Merrick Google, USA
Ambar Murillo Google, Germany
Venkatesh Potluri University of Washington, USA
Ayushi Rastogi TU Delft, The Netherlands
Ita Richardson University of Limerick, Ireland
Anita Sarma Oregon State, USA
Alexander Serebrenik TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Kate Stewart Linux Foundation, USA
Vanja Tufvesson Pink Programming, Sweden
Bogdan Vasilescu CMU, USA
Jeff Warshaw Google, USA